Chrismas and Stress seem to have become synonymous.
Life is frantic. Stress levels scream ever higher with alarming pressure.
Why the madness!
But there’s a swing back to a calmer way of being.
Medical Science and especially Neuroscience are recognising the power of the ancient art of why mindfulness matters to create calmer happier lives.
The sixth blog of this CHRISTMAS series by Val Mullally:
M is for Mindfulness
Imagine doing one thing differently that would open the door to being the person you would love to be.
The hinge that opens that door is mindfulness.
Mindfulness swings open the doorway to enjoying the moment, to greater understanding, to being tuned in to what is there before you. it opens our minds to what’s needed. Another word we could use to describe that mindfulness is awareness.
Choosing Mindfulness in Your Everyday Living
Paying attention in a particular way:
On purpose
In the present moment, and non-judgementally. Kabat-Zinn
Perhaps you’re thinking,
“But I don’t have time to stop and meditate.”
The good news is we can choose mindfulness in the everyday moments of our lives – it’s about choosing to be conscious, even in the run-of-the-mill events at a busy time like Christmas.
Small hinges swing big doors.
We can swing open the habit of mindfulness in the regular moments – whether we are peeling the potatoes, changing a nappy, opening a present, or whatever – just becoming more conscious of what we are doing in the moment.
Mindfulness as a Way of Being
… our life is the path, and we no longer rely merely on the forms of practice. Thich Nhat Hanh
When we are mindful we become more conscious of what we are doing, what we are feeling, who and what is around us and with us. We notice our intentions. We become more conscious of the thoughts that wind us up and how we can let them go and choose a more helpful response.
Instead of a “knee ‘jerk” reaction that is triggered by feelings of anger, fear or envy, we can respond with compassionate curiosity, that helps to create the quality of relationship we desire.
Why Mindfulness Matters for Parents
Whether the house feels like world war three broke out or a home where you’re all glad to live can depend on whether we, as parents, choose to react or to respond. And our reactivity or calm response will depend on our mindfulness.
If you’d like the chance to develop key insights and practical skills to mindful parenting click here to discover “Stop Yelling – nine steps to calmer happier parenting” with Val Mullally guiding you through this live online course.
As parents become more aware and emotionally healthy, their children reap the rewards and move toward health as well. That means that integrating and cultivating your own brain is one of the most loving and generous gifts you can give your children. Daniel J. Siegel
The Mindfulness Path
Choose to respond rather than react.
Take a few breaths to calm yourself. Focus on choosing connection.
Ask yourself, “What’s really needed here?”
This is the way we can keep our selves well: with regular exercising of our attunement to ourselves through mindfulness practices. Daniel J. Siegel
In the next blog discover how to clear the mental clutter that adds to our stress and causes us to react, rather than respond in a way that builds healthy relationship.
So it’s over to you:
What small doable step will you take today to become more mindful in your everyday living?
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