Koemba Blog

Even positive labels like ‘good girl’ can be unhelpful for our children. Val Mullally discusses the dangers of labelling our children.

Parenting From the Inside Out
From the Koemba Book Club:

Parenting From the Inside Out

This is one of my  most well-fingered and underlined  books on Parenting. Neuroscientist  and psychiatrist Daniel Siegel has teamed up with an early childhood and parenting educator, Mary Hartzell, to produce a highly informative and very readable book. The ‘heavy’ scientific information is marked in grey boxes – so you can keep to the practical reading only if you prefer.

There are also ‘Inside-Out Exercises’ for the Parent to reflect on the material in their  own context. I’d love to see this book as required reading for educators.  If you’re serious about Parenting – this book is a must.

A Young Mother’s Experience: I was aware that something was wrong when Hannah was 24 hours old. On being discharged from the hospital we had been given a checklist of symptoms that required immediate contact with the hospital. In the past 6 hours Hannah’s nappies had become offensive to anyone with a nose in the surrounding neighbourhood! Following the hospital’s instructions we made contact.

My son was nearly 18 before I had an ‘AHA’ moment about how I’d been missing the boat re: what made him FEEL loved. I’ve shared this concept with parents at many workshops, and they always find it hugely helpful. Heres’ DAY ONE of my Valentine’s ‘Loving Your Child’ series.

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