Koemba Book Club
Giving the Love That Heals: A Guide for Parents
Uses an understanding of unconscious desires and needs to offer advice to parents on how to promote the emotional wholeness of their children and nurture their own development at the same time.
Keeping the Love You Find: A Single Persons Guide to Achieving Lasting Love
Your dream of finding a partner is a natural and normal human instinct and your dream is perfectly achievable. Whatever your history, whatever your heartbreak, as a single person you are in an ideal position to learn what you need to know and what you can do to greatly improve your chances for finding, and […]
You Are My World: How a Parent’s Love Shapes a Baby’s Mind
This is one of my absolute favourite parenting books. A great gift for parents of a newborn child. Exquisite pictures that melt the heart …
The Heart of Parenting: How to Raise an Emotionally Intelligent Child
This is a practical guide for parents on how to raise a child who can understand and control his or her emotions. It explains a child’s different emotional needs at different ages, and shows parents how to help their children calm themselves down, how to focus their attention, how to give their children better emotional […]
Roots of Empathy
Mary Gordon describes her approach to bringing a baby and parent into the classroom regularly through the academic year, with a trained facilitator. Great learning here for any parent /educator.
Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby’s Brain
This book is one of the most profound I have read about creating environments for young children to thrive. It’d not an easy read – but well worth it. Don’t skip over the very intense chapter on young children and stress.
The Selfish Society: How We All Forgot to Love One Another and Made Money Instead
Ambitious and wide-ranging, The Selfish Society reveals the vital importance of understanding our early emotional lives, arguing that by focusing on the attention we give to our young children we can create a better society. Open any newspaper, and what do you find? Violence and crime, child abuse and neglect, expenses scandals, addiction, fraud and […]
Attachment in the Classroom: The links between children’s early experience, emotional well-being and performance in school: A Practical Guide for Schools
Every day, teachers and other school staff have to deal with children who present challenging behaviour during their learning process at school. This book combines the fundamental principles of attachment theory with teacher-based case studies, and practical ‘how to’ interventions.
Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too
A bestseller in the USA, Siblings Without Rivalry offers serious advice for parents coming to terms with the unpleasant conflicts that arise when siblings forget they are human beings. The book is written with humour, compassion and understanding.
How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk
Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish examine the inevitable stresses faced by parents of teenagers. Through role play and discussion, they show how to keep communication open with rebellious offspring, how to let go gracefully and yet retain respect and some degree of co-operation throughout these difficult years.
Val Mullally MA author | TEDx speaker | trainer | reflective practice facilitator. Activating your inner wisdom in work, parenthood & life.
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