‘How do I give my twelve year old freedom but also keep an eye on her without her thinking that I don’t trust her?’
Parent Coach Val Mullally replies:
I think if I had the conclusive answer on that one I’d have the mega-million book sales. But what I do know is that I would have done differently if I’d known when my kids were in their teens what I know now.
Here’s some key insights to meeting her needs and yours.
The Koemba Forum
How to move past unforgiveness – practical tips from Santa about choosing to be peace-makers during the festive season ‘ Santa shares his thoughts on what to do when you can’t forgive your ex – or other people in your iife.
A Happy Christmas is destroyed when families (or ex’s) don’t get along, when tensions rise and family conflict threatens to erupt. Today Santa shares some helpful tips for a peace-full Christmas.
Christmas Is For Giving – helping children develop compassion for others.
Day 7 of Santa’s Letters to Parents: what do grandparents know about how to have a happy Christmas? #LettersToSanta #parenting #Christmas
Whoops – where’s Santa? On Day 5 Mrs Claus answers PercyPostElf’s letter about grown ups who seem to be trapped in shopping, shopping, shopping this Christmas.
How to have a Happy Christmas, despite freezing financial conditions or the risk of family conflict. In this final Christmas letter Santa, Mrs Claus and PercyPostElf share a few words to encourage every parent during the festive season.
When children are disappointed or envious at Christmas or have an attitude of entitlement – here is help on how to encourage an attitude of gratitude. Day 10 – Santa talks about what’s really needed for happiness.
In Santa’s eighth letter he shares his thoughts for Parents about what helps when sad or bad things happen at Christmas. Help children deal with upsets, change or loss.
What to do when there is no money for presents at Christmas. Santa’s a bit late out of bed this morning. Here’s his sixth letter to Parents who may be feeling worried, frustrated or despondent this Christmas. Here’s a gift idea with a difference!
Welcome to day four of twelve days of Christmas:
Letters from Santa and his North Pole team re How to Have a Happy Christmas Despite Freezing Financial Conditions.