I’m tweeting every day for five days as a gift to Parents this Valentines. I wish I’d known this when my kids were young!
* Hubby could tell me 100 x a day ‘I love you’ and I’d still enjoy. But his love language is Acts of Kindness – that love is SHOWN!
* How would you know if ur child’s love language is acts of kindness? They are the HELPERS.
* It’s really important to thank the ‘Acts of Kindness’ child. S/he needs to know you see their loving action.
* Children whose love language is Acts of Kindness thrive on you doing things for them that show you care.
* For child whose love language is Acts of Kindness, to refuse / procrastinate help can be very hurtful.
* Hubby asking ‘Any pancakes?’ OK Val stop tweeting – go practise what you preach! Acts of kindness show love!
* Many little acts of kindness is no little thing.
For more helpful tips and insights please check back here tomorrow or join me on Twitter
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