What can we learn about how NOT to manage anger from the recent outburst on the Late Late Show, concerning the Eurovision contest?
New blog: ‘I hate you’ by Val Mullally – offering key insights and practical tips for parents.
‘My child’s become so unreasonable. He used to be placid and easy going. Now he explodes for no reason.’ Perhaps you are like this parent, trying to figure out …
‘You’ve just had a melt-down!’ In this article my colleague Patricia Martin Ph.D. discusses strategies for recentering yourself after you’ve disintegrated into a screaming match with your tantruming child.
When communities have been ransacked in the UK riots, it makes sense they want change. David Lammy, Tottenham Labour MP, ‘partly blames anti smacking law’. Val Mullally, CEO of Koemba and Parent Coach trainer, comments on the issue of smacking.
‘How do I give my twelve year old freedom but also keep an eye on her without her thinking that I don’t trust her?’
Parent Coach Val Mullally replies:
I think if I had the conclusive answer on that one I’d have the mega-million book sales. But what I do know is that I would have done differently if I’d known when my kids were in their teens what I know now.
Here’s some key insights to meeting her needs and yours.
A Happy Christmas is destroyed when families (or ex’s) don’t get along, when tensions rise and family conflict threatens to erupt. Today Santa shares some helpful tips for a peace-full Christmas.
Parenting expert Val Mullally shares the unique ‘Koemba – Connect’ model – how to listen so children will be able to process their emotions.
‘I don’ t want to go to school’ / ‘I hate school’ or whatever version you’re hearing, can fill a parent with dread.
Val Mullally shares 6 unhelpful tactics parents use – and shares alternatives that focus on creating long-term communication and building children’s self esteem.
We watch the news and wonder how an educated country like England can erupt into such chaos.
What’s it all about?
They might have captured images on CCTV that will lead to arrests – and then what?
It’s like a doctor who treats only the symptoms without dealing with the root cause of the dis-ease.
It’s no good treating dysentery without creating clean water supplies and proper sanitation.
So what’s needed to clean up the current conflict in Britain?