“As children, my sister and I were so jealous of each other,” said Claire, as we sipped our lattes. “I thought my sister was so much more beautiful than me.” I raised my eyebrow. In my mind how could my friend not have seen her beauty. Claire has a fair complexion, smooth blond hair and […]
12 November – Val Mullally is the keynote speaker at Douglas Community School, sharing some helpful insights and practical tools re how parents can support their teens’ emotional well-being.
On Monday 17th 8.30 pm (Dublin time) Val Mullally MA, Parent Coach and author, will be hosting a webinar about supporting young people’s emotional wellbeing, in support of Pieta House.
A recently formed Facebook page ‘Meath Against Bullies’ has highlighted the issue of children facing severe bullying within the school context. Parent Coach Val Mullally writes a response: ‘When Your Child’s Rejected at School’.
Welcome to DAY THREE of the Koemba Valentine’s ‘Loving Your Child’ series by Val Mullally.
Here’s DAY TWO of the Koemba Valentine’s ‘Loving Your Child’ series by Val Mullally.
‘How do I give my twelve year old freedom but also keep an eye on her without her thinking that I don’t trust her?’
Parent Coach Val Mullally replies:
I think if I had the conclusive answer on that one I’d have the mega-million book sales. But what I do know is that I would have done differently if I’d known when my kids were in their teens what I know now.
Here’s some key insights to meeting her needs and yours.
‘I don’ t want to go to school’ / ‘I hate school’ or whatever version you’re hearing, can fill a parent with dread.
Val Mullally shares 6 unhelpful tactics parents use – and shares alternatives that focus on creating long-term communication and building children’s self esteem.
Do you sometimes feel concerned whether your children will turn out okay or wonder if they can hold their own in social settings? Click to read more…