We watch the news and wonder how an educated country like England can erupt into such chaos.
What’s it all about?
They might have captured images on CCTV that will lead to arrests – and then what?
It’s like a doctor who treats only the symptoms without dealing with the root cause of the dis-ease.
It’s no good treating dysentery without creating clean water supplies and proper sanitation.
So what’s needed to clean up the current conflict in Britain?

Last edited July 14th 2012

It’s only a tin can

It’s a fantastic Irish summer day and everyone’s enjoying the beach. A young family is walking towards me. The child’s swings his head towards a  discarded drink can. ‘Don’t jump on it,’ says the mother. Her words transform  him into a guided missile that locks onto the drink can lying on the pavement. He’s jumps […]

Last edited July 04th 2016

A Young Mother’s Experience: I was aware that something was wrong when Hannah was 24 hours old. On being discharged from the hospital we had been given a checklist of symptoms that required immediate contact with the hospital. In the past 6 hours Hannah’s nappies had become offensive to anyone with a nose in the surrounding neighbourhood! Following the hospital’s instructions we made contact.

Last edited March 11th 2011

It’s not what you say …  Ever get frustrated because the family isn’t cooperating? The dishes need doing. Or you’re just trying to reason with your eleven-going-on-eighteen year old? The next thing war’s broken out. You’re both shouting at each other. Or your child’s stormed out the room. Or you have. What went wrong? Or, […]

Last edited September 27th 2012

Just a pretty bracelet?

‘Controversial Bracelets banned at Fermoy schools’ (‘The Avondhu’ Thursday Sep 23, 2010)
The photo showed cute, colourful bracelets like any little girl might be wearing. There are the playground crazes, but this is not as innocuous as marbles or card swapping. The name rings the warning bells …

Last edited September 27th 2010

Parent Contradicts

Parent Contradicts
What effect does it have on children when they receive conflicting messages?

Last edited June 04th 2010

Get my kids to listen, How?

Anita Renfroe’s exaggeration in the ‘Mum Song’ is glorious.
If we were to record our morning serenade would we hear a similar monologue?

Last edited May 14th 2010

Today in ‘The Guardian’ Zoe Williams’ is fed up with the clashes of parenting ‘gurus’. Parenting is tough enough without this type of “’dagger-on-a thread’ hectoring”. Here’s my different, and potentially more helpful perspective.

Last edited April 22nd 2010

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